I found my new running
obsession, so I thought I would share. I bought a pair of CW-X Compression pants. When I first told my friends and family about my compression pants, they thought I bought Spanx. No my friends,
these are compression pants. And if you haven't tried them while running,
then run and get some.

Now that I made you aware of your need for compression pants, let me explain why. The CW-X description states it best: "
Acts as a suspension system for the quads for increased power at the push phase of the running motion." The compression the muscles from moving as much, and also prevent swelling which allows for better blood flow. This help you recover from your runs faster.
This particular brand also offers a Support Web which offers extra support and stabilization. This was very important to me, as I have increasing concerns about arthritis. I recently started getting more joint pain (may have to do with the weather changing), and these pants alleviated a lot of the pain during and after my run.
I bought CW-X but there are quite a few brands that make them, for example Saucony, Zoot, and 2XU. Check out the pair I got here:
Let me know if you have tried any, and if there are a certain pair you like!
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